"The Spider was in the place where only she was. There was no light or dark, there was no warm wind, no rain or thunder. ( … ) Her power is complete and total. It is pure, and cleaner than the void. It is the power of thought, we say, but not the kind of thought people do all the time. It's like the power of dream, but more pure. Like the spirit of vision".
"She sang the power that was. The power that is everywhere and that has no name or body, but that is just the power, the mystery. She sang, and the bundles began to move. They began to sing, to echo her song, to join it. They sang their heart's song, that was the same as Spider's heart song, that was the heart song of great mystery, the power that moves. The power danced in the void, in the light, in the midnight reaches of the gleaming dark. It sang."
(Paula Gunn Allen en “Grandmothers of the Light”. Beacon Press. 1991)
Distancia Focal 55,0 mm / ISO 400 / Apertura de diafragma f 5,6 / Velocidad 1/60
Distancia Focal 55,0 mm / ISO 200 / f 5,6 / Velocidad 1/30